The medical specialty of neurology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles. Every year, more than 10,000 patients with common or rare neurological diseases are treated as outpatients or inpatients in our clinic. In addition, patients from other specialties are cared for by our physicians as needed.
The Clinic for Neurology is constantly developing its treatment and care services and is guided by national and international standards.
We diagnose and treat the various neurological diseases at the highest and most up-to-date level. This is also due to the research and further education activities of our clinic and the close cooperation with the other clinics and institutes of the University Hospital Zurich. Our clinic offers you competent and personal therapy and care.
High quality continuous education is a priority of the Department of Neurology. Symposia and lectures are integrated into the program of the Clinical Neurocenter and usually take place on Thursday afternoons.
International Office
Rämistrasse 100
8091 Zurich
Universtity Hospital Zurich
Department of Neurology
Frauenklinikstrasse 26
8091 Zürich