Research activities in Allergies of the Department of Dermatology

Research groups

Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier

Main Fields of Research

Our research activities are focused on epidemiology, pathophysiology and treatment of allergic diseases, namely atopic dermatitis. We also investigate new therapeutic options in a variety of diseases, mainly atopic dermatitis, mastocytosis and drug allergy. Recently we have also started to implement, evaluate and improve educational tools to promote knowledge and training in allergic diseases.​


Group members

Eugen Bersuch, MD
Julia-Tatjana Maul, MD
Kirsten Schiesser, MD
Meike Distler, MD
Karin Grando, Study Expert Nurse
Karin Schnyder, Technician

Marie-Charlotte Brüggen

Main Fields of Research

Our group is interested in exploring the cutaneous immune system under homeostatic conditions and in the setting of inflammatory and allergic skin diseases, and in exploring the impact of environmental factors such as microbes and nutrition in this context. We thereby aim at ultimately improving prevention and treatment approaches. The main diseases we are looking at are severe drug hypersensitivity reactions and atopic dermatitis. We also explore the immunological  functions of the poorly investigated subcutaneous adipose tissue and how these interfere with cutaneous inflammation.

Group members

Reihane Ziadlou, PhD, PostDoc
Nick Li, technician
Danielle Fehr, PhD candidate
Martin Ringel, MD candidate
Michaela Mokra, MD candidate
Veronika Schmidt, MD
Lena Hirt, master student
Mirjam Meier, master student

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