Research Group PD Dr. Nina Kimmich

Main Field of Research, Abstract

The focus of the group is on biomechanics of vaginal birth and its consequences on the maternal birth canal, including visible birth tears, pelvic floor trauma and abdominal wall muscles disorders (diastasis recti). The main topic of research is hereby the prevention of such trauma and disorders with the improvement and quality control of obstetric care.
Another focus of the group is to generate profound knowledge on (elite) sports during pregnancy and postpartum, especially about its safety for the mother and the child.


  • University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering (Research group of Dr. Marco Parente)
  • University of Zurich, Balgrist University Hospital, University Centre for Prevention and Sports Medicine (Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Scherr, Dr. med. Nora Wieloch)
  • University of Zurich, Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, Evolutionary Morphology and Adaptation Group (PD sc. nat. Dr. med. Martin Haeusler)
  • University Hospital Zurich, Division of Physiotherapy, Pelvic Floor Team

Main Fields of Research, Keywords

Vaginal birth, birth canal, birth tears, pelvic floor trauma, levator avulsion, diastasis recti, prevention, sports and pregnancy, elite sports, sports and postpartum

Group Members

Dr. med. Jana Birri, Oberärztin Klinik für Geburtshilfe
Dr. med. Anne Richter, Oberärztin Klinik für Geburtshilfe


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