Research Group PD Dr. med. Tilo Burkhardt

Main Field of Research, Abstract

The main focus of our work is to study the application of ultrasound technology in obstetrics. With this technology we assess fetal haemodynamics, study fetal malformation and evaluate the female pelvic floor morphology after childbirth.
Assessment of fetal haemodynamics is of importance in order to find out action lines for optimal care for fetus and mother.
Special interest in studying fetal malformations are to observe natural history of fetuses with dilatation of the urinary tract and assess techniques to invasively treat lower urinary tract dilatation during first half of pregnancy.
For the sonographic evaluation of the pelvic floor we developed a new method of threedimensional imaging of the anatomical structures of the pelvic floor which enables us to exactly localize the birth related trauma.

Main Fields of Research, Keywords

Fetal haemodynamics, intrauterine growth retardation, fetal malformation, urinary tract dilatation,childbirth related  pelvic floor trauma

Special Techniques and Equipment

All standard ultrasound techniques are applied. Furthermore we have developed a new approach to assess pelvic floor anatomy in threedimensional casts sliced out of an ultrasound volume.

Education and Training

We organize interdisciplinary colloquia with the Department of Medical genetics and take part in regular journal clubs, data clubs and group meetings. We welcome Medical Students and have frequent opportunities for MD students.

Group Members

Zodan Tina, MD


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