Präsentationen / Abstracts des Krebsregisters

Risk of subsequent invasive cancers in women diagnosed with breast cancer in situ: Results from the Cancer registry of Zurich, Zug, Schaffhausen and Schwyz, Nena Karavasiloglou, Katarina L Matthes, Manuela Limam, Dimitri Korol, Miriam Wanner, Sabine Rohrmann, Poster Presentation, 19th Day of Clinical Research, USZ, Canceled due to COVID-19.

Wanner M, Rohrmann S, Korol D, Shenglia N, Gigineishvili T, Gigineishvili D. Geographical variation in brain and CNV tumor incidence: A comparison between a middle-income and a high-income country. ENCR Online, 16-18 November 2021 (Oral presentation)

Wanner M, Matthes KL, Karavasiloglou N, Limam M, Korol D, Rohrmann S. 37-year incidence and mortality time trends of common cancer types by sex, age, and stage in Zurich, Switzerland. ENCR Online, 16-18 November 2021 (Poster presentation)

Wanner M, Matthes KL, Karavasiloglou N, Limam M, Korol D, Rohrmann S. Incidence and mortality time trends of common cancer types by sex, age, and stage from 1981 to 2017 in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. DGEpi Online, 20-22 September 2021 (Poster presentation)

Nena Karavasiloglou, Eleftheria Michalopoulou, Manuela Limam, Dimitri Korol, Miriam Wanner and Sabine Rohrmann.· Differences in tumor characteristics and the net survival of women diagnosed with different breast tumors, Oral presentation, 2021 ENCR Scientific Meeting, 16-18 November 2021, Virtual

Are there differences in treatment and survival between men and women with colorectal cancer?
Manuela Limam, Katarina L. Matthes, Giulia Pestoni, Leonhard Held, Dimitri Korol, Silvia Dehler, Sabine Rohrmann

Presentations and posters

Time trends of in-situ breast cancer incidence in Zurich. Nena Karavasiloglou, Katarina L. Matthes, Claudia Berlin, Manuela Limam, Miriam Wanner, Dimitri Korol, Sabine Rohrmann; Poster presentation, Swiss Public Health Conference 2018, 7-8 November 2018, Neuchâtel (Switzerland)

Epidemiology of in situ breast cancer and subsequent risk of invasive breast cancer in the Canton of Zurich. Oral presentation; Nena Karavasiloglou and Sabine Rohrmann; 13 Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie, 26-28 September 2018, Bremen (Germany)

Indicators of data quality at the Cancer Registry Zurich and Zug in Switzerland. Miriam Wanner, Katarina L Matthes, Dimitri Korol, Silvia Dehler, Sabine Rohrmann; ENCR Scientific Meeting Copenhagen, 26-28 Sept 2018

Adam S, Feller A, Rohrmann S, Arndt V.
Health-related quality of life among long-term prostate cancer survivors by primary treatment: A systematic review AACR Annual Meeting, 1–5 April 2017, Washington D.C.

Binder C, Matthes KL, Korol D, Rohrmann S, Moch H.
Cancer of Unknown Primary – Trends in Incidence and Survival in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland.
39th IACR Annual Scientific Conference, 17–19 October 2017, Utrecht

Matthes KL, Pestoni G, Korol D, Van Hemelrijck M, Rohrmann S.
Spezifische Todesursachen von Patienten mit nicht-metastasierenden Prostatakrebs
12. Jahrestagung der DGEpi, 5–8 September 2017, Lübeck

Matthes K L, Pestoni G, Korol D, Van Hemelrijck M, Rohrmann S.
Cause-Specific Mortality of Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients
AACR Annual Meeting, 1–5 April 2017, Washington D.C.

Wanner M, Richard A, Matthes KL, Ortelli L, Lorez M, Korol D, Bordoni A, Rohrmann S.
Trends in Prostate Cancer Incidence between 1996 and 2013 in Two Swiss Regions.
39th IACR Annual Scientific Conference, 17–19 October 2017, Utrecht

Matthes K L, Dehler S., Korol D., Limam M., Rohrmann S.
Relative Survival of Prostate Cancer Patients in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland – A Population-based Study. Poster1. Poster2.
IARC conference 2016, 7-10 June 2016, Lyon
PTA-2016 Population-based Time-to-event Analyses International Conference, 31 August – 2 September 2016, London

K W Matter-Walstra, R Achermann, R Rapold, D Klingbiel, A Bordoni, S Dehler, I Konzelmann, M Mousavi, K M Clough-Gorr, T Szucs, M Schwenkglenks, B C Pestalozzi.
A retrospective database study investigating days spent in acute care hospitals during the last 90 days of life of cancer patients from four Swiss cantons (SAKK 89/09). (PDF) Poster präsentiert am Symposium «Less is More – The Contribution of Health Services Research Towards a Sustainable Health Care System» 2015, CH

L Arnet, F Valeri, D Korol, S Rohrmann, S Dehler.
31 years of lung cancer in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland: Incidence trends by sex, histology and laterality. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert an der Swiss Public Health Conference 17.-18. Sep 2015, Genf CH
Poster presented at 37th annual IACR conference in Mumbai, IND, Oct 7-10th, 2015.

M Lorez, A Bordoni, C Bouchardy, S Dehler, S Ess, G Jundt, I Konzelmann, F Levi and V Arndt.
Funnel Plots To Explore The Quality Of Vital Status Follow-Up In Switzerland. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert an der ENCR Conference 2014, IT

Anita Feller, Volker Arndt, Kerri Clough-Gorr, NICER Working Group, ISPM Bern.
Time trends in oesophageal and gastric cancer according to histology and anatomical location in Switzerland, 1982-2011. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert an der ENCR Conference 2014, IT

Anita Feller, Alexandre Bodmer, Andrea Bordoni, Christine Bouchardy, Silvia Dehler, Silvia Ess, Fabio Levi, Isabelle Konzelmann, Elisabetta Rapiti, Annik Steiner, Kerri Clough-Gorr, and the NICER working group.
Survival after breast cancer in younger women in Switzerland. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert an der Swiss Public Health Conference; 2014, CH

Mieke Van Hemelrijck, Anita Feller, Hans Garmo, Fabio Valeri, Dimitri Korol, Silvia Dehler, Sabine Rohrmann.
Incidence of second malignancies for prostate cancer. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert:
am EACR Congress; 2014, DE
an der ENCR Conference; 2014, IT
an der Swiss Public Health Conference; 2014, CH

Uwe Bieri, Holger Moch, Silvia Dehler, Dimitri Korol, Sabine Rohrmann.
Changes in autopsy rates among cancer patients and its impact from the public health point of view. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert:
am EACR Congress; 2014, DE
an der ENCR Conference; 2014, IT
an der Swiss Public Health Conference; 2014, CH

M Lorez, A Bordoni, C Bouchardy, S Dehler, S Ess, G Jundt, I Konzelmann, F Levi and V Arndt.
Swiss Cancer Survival Statistics: Quality of Vital Status Follow-Up. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert am IACR Congress 2014, CAN

Anita Feller, Rolf Heusser, NICER Working Group, ISPM Bern.
Trends in histological subtypes of oesophageal cancers in Switzerland. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert an der GRELL Conference 2014, CH

K W Matter-Walstra, R Achermann, R Rapold, D Klingbiel, A Bordoni, S Dehler, G Jundt, I Konzelmann, K M Clough-Gorr, T Szucs, M Schwenkglenks, B C Pestalozzi.
Delivery of Health Care at the End of Life in Cancer Patients from Four Swiss Cantons (SAKK 89/09). (PDF)
Poster präsentiert am European Cancer Congress; Amsterdam; 27. September – 1. Oktober 2013

Silvia Dehler, Nadya Dimitrova, Simeon Tonev, Dimitri Korol
Recent trends in cancer incidence: a comparison of two urban European areas. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert an der Swiss Public Health Conference; Zürich; 15.-16. August 2013.

Julia Prater, Fabio Valeri, Dimitri Korol, Silvia Dehler
Incidence and clinico-pathological characteristics of metachronous contralateral breast cancer in the Canton of Zurich. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert an der Swiss Public Health Conference; Zürich; 15.-16. August 2013.
Poster präsentiert an der 35. IACR Conference 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentinien; 22.-24. Oktober 2013.

Alexandre Bodmer, Anita Feller, Andrea Bordoni, Christine Bouchardy, Silvia Dehler, Silvia Ess, Fabio Levi, Isabelle Konzelmann, Elisabetta Rapiti, Annik Steiner, Kerri Clough-Gorr, NICER working group
Breast cancer incidence in younger Swiss women. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert an der Swiss Public Health Conference; Zürich; 15.-16. August 2013.

Matthias Lorez, Kerri Clough-Gorr, NICER working group
Cancer prevalence trends in Switzerland: 2000-2020. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert an der Swiss Public Health Conference; Zürich; 15.-16. August 2013.

Klazien Matter-Walstra, Rita Achermann, Andrea Bordoni, Silvia Dehler, Gernot Jundt, Isabelle Konzelmann, Matthia Schwenkglenks, Bernhard C. Pestalozzi
Practical issues in health services research in Switzerland: Experience with an end-of-life study in cancer patients. (PDF)
Poster präsentiert am Symposium 2012: Versorgungsforschung in der Schweiz – das Beispiel Onkologie; Bern; 1. November 2012

Matthias Lorez, Michela Ceschi, Silvia Dehler, Gernot Jundt, Nicole Probst-Hensch
Obesity as Prognostic Factor for Survival after Breast Cancer: Results from a population-based study. (PDF)
Poster presented at the 34th IACR CONFERENCE 2012; Cork, Ireland, 17th-19th September

Silvia Dehler, Nadya Dimitrova, Simeon Tonev, Dimitri Korol
Recent trends in cancer incidence: a comparison of two urban European areas. (PDF)
Poster presented at the 34th IACR CONFERENCE 2012; Cork, Ireland 17th-19th September

D. Soldini, C. Montagna, P. Schüffler, V. Martin, A. Georgis, T. Thiesler, A. Curioni, P. Went, S. Dehler, L. Mazzuchelli, M. Tinguely
A new diagnostic classifier for Burkitt and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma predicts outcome. (PDF)
Wissenschftliches Symposium Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher Stiftung: Cancer Genome and DNA Repair; Zürich; 16-18 Februar 2011

Bard G, Korol D, Rufibach K, Probst-Hensch N, Dehler S, Kurrer MO:
Solid Organ Cancers Frequently Precede or Co-Occur in Hodgkin Lymphoma of the Elderly. (PDF)
99th Annual Meeting of the United-States-and-Canadian-Academy-of-Pathology
Washington DC, USA, 20-26 March, 2010
Mod Pathol. 23: 286A-286A 1285 Suppl. 1 FEB 2010

U. Erdmenger, S. Dehler, C.M.L. Werner, H.-P. Simmen and G. A. Wanner:
Surgical management of spinal metastasis: retrospective analysis of prognostic factors, surgical techniques, clinical outcome and survival time in a series of 279 patients from 1992-2009. (PDF)
97. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie 2010

M. Kurrer, S. Giger, D. Korol, C. Renner, H. Moch, N. Probst-Hentsch:
Intact B cell follicles identify mixed cellularity (MC) Hodgkin lymphomas (HL) with clinical and prognostic features of lymphocyte rich classical HL (CHL). (PDF)
22nd European Congress of Pathology; 4-9 September 2009; Florence, Italy
Virchows Archiv 455: 16-16 Suppl. 1 August 2009

S. Waelti, D. Korol, E. Levi, C. Renner, H. Moch and M. Kurrer:
Macrophages and Regulatory T – Cells in Follikular Lymphoma (FL): a Tissue Microarray (TMA) Study on 181 Patients. (PDF)
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the USCAP, Submission Program Abstract, San Diego,California, USA, March 24-30 2007

R. Butsch, S. Schaerer, D. Korol, E. Levi, C. Renner, H. Moch and M. Kurrer:
Intratumoral Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells And T Cells Associate With Increased Survival In Patients With Follicular Lymphoma (FL). (PDF)
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the USCAP, Submission Program Abstract, San Diego,California, USA, March 24-30 2007

D. Poncini, V. Stucki, S. Giger, D. Korol, R. Maurer, C. Renner, H. Moch, E. Levi and M. Kurrer:
Epidemiological Data Of Leukemias And Lymphomas Suggest And Support Distinct Biological Groups. (PDF)
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the USCAP, Submission Program Abstract, San Diego,California, USA, March 24-30 2007

F. Aigner, D. Korol, E. Levi, N. Probst-Hensch, H. Moch, M. Kurrer:
Extranodal Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma of Cutaneous Follicular Lymphoma Type. (PDF)
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the US and Canadian Academy of Pathology in Atlanta, GA, USA, February 11-17, 2006

B. Jenni, T. Reineke, D. Korol, V. Rousson, C. Dommann-Scherrer, R. Maurer, H. Moch, N.M. Probst-Hensch and M. Tinguely:
Assessment of prognostic factors in plasma cell myelomas on tissue microarrays using ihc and fish analysis. (PDF)
Poster and oral presentation at the Annual meeting of the DGP in Berlin, 2006

M. Tinguely, B. Lopes, B. Jenni, S. Cogliatti, U. Schmid, C. Dommann-Scherrer, R. Maurer, V. Rousson, D. Korol, A. Knights, A. Curioni, A. Knuth, N.M. Probst-Hensch, H. Moch, A. Zippelius:
The cancer testis antigen ct7 (mage-c1), but not ny-eso-1 is frequently expressed in plasma cell myelomas and a combined nuclear-cytoplasmic expression is associated with a worse clinical outcome. (PDF)
Oral presentation at the Annual meeting of the EAHP in Wien, October 2006

M.O. Kurrer, D. Korol, H. Ohgaki, E. Levi:
BCL-6 Expression but Not Caspase-3 Expression Correlates with Survival in Unselected Patients with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. (PDF)
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the US and Canadian Academy of Pathology in San Antonio, TX, USA, February 26 – March 4, 2005

D. Korol, R. Maurer, B. Odermatt, Ph.U. Heitz, N.M. Probst-Hensch and M.O. Kurrer:
B-symptoms, bcl-6 and bcl-2 Expression Profiles in and around Hodgkin cells stratify Hodgkin’s Disease Patients into distinct prognostic groups (Italy 2004)

D. Korol, R.M. Maurer, B. Odermatt, Ph.U. Heitz, N.M. Probst and M.O. Kurrer:
B-Symptoms, BCL-6 and BCL-2 Protein Expression define a Poor Prognosis Group in Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin’s Disease Patients. (PDF)
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the AACR in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 5-9, 2003
Präsentation an der Jahresversammlung der schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Pathologie, Kartause Ittingen November 6-8, 2003

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