Awards der Klinik für Thoraxchirurgie

Unsere thoraxchirurgische Klinik wird in ihrer intensiven Forschungstätigkeit von nationalen und internationalen Stiftungen und Institutionen unterstützt. Nachstehend sind die ärztlichen Mitarbeitenden unserer Klinik aufgeführt, die für ihre wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit mit einem Preis (Award) ausgezeichnet wurden und im jährlich erscheinenden Annual Report aufgeführt sind.

Ältere Awards

Ilhan Inci
​von der Swiss Thoracic Surgery Association
Lung transplantation with controlle ddonation after ciruculatory death donors: initial experience in Switzerland​
​Ilhan Inci
Zurich Transplant Center Price for „Best experimental publication“
Cytokine filtration modulates pulmonary metabolism and edema formation during ex vivo lung perfusion

​​Wolfgang Jungraithmayr

​Best Abstract selected for the Caves Award at the Annual Congress of the ISHLT 2017, San Diego
Induction of persistent lung transplant tolerance by IL-2 complex-stimulates Tregs in vivo
Wolfgang Jungraithmayr
Walter Brendel Award for the best scientific presentation at the 52nd congress of the European Society of Surgical Research (ESSR) 2017, Amsterdam, Netherland
Induction of persistent tolerance to lung transplants by IL- complex-stimulated regulatory T cells in vivo

​​Isabelle Opitz, Martina Friess, Mayura Meerang, Michaela Kirschner, Karima Bérard, Byron Bitanihirwe, Walter Weder​​Poster Prize 2016 –  Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie (DGT), Freiburg/D​“Factors associated with long term freedom from recurrence after induction chemotherapy and extrapleural pneumonec-tomy in mesothelioma patient“
​Wolfgang JungraithmayrAward for the Best Master Thesis in 2016 by the Medical Faculty of the University Zurich​Decrease of Airway Allergies After Lung Transplantation Is Associated With Reduced Basophils and Eosinophils.

​Wolfgang Jungraithmayr​Beste exerimentelle freie Mitteilung – Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Thorax-chirurgie (SGT), Bern​“Lung allograft acceptance by CD26 co-stimulatory blockade is due to a balanced expression of IL17 and IL10″
​Wolfgang Jungraithmayr​Experimentell-wissenschaft-licher Preis 2015 – UniversitätsSpital Zürich, Transplantationszentrum​“CD26 co-stimulatory blockade improves lung allograft rejection and is associated with enhanced IL10-expression“

​Prof. Dr. I. Schmitt-Opitz​Wissenschaftspreis der Gertrud Siegenthaler Stiftung, Zürich
​PD Dr.Dr. ​W. Jungraithmayr​Swiss Transplant Research Award 2014 – ​1st prize for basic research der Swiss society of Transplantation​“​Cytokine complex-expanded natural killer cells improve allogeneic lung transplant function via depletion of donor dendritic cells“
​Prof. Dr. I. Schmitt-Opitz
Prof. Dr. W. Weder
​Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie (SGT), Bern​“Extrapleural Pneumonectomy after Induction Chemotherapy: Perioperative Outcome in 251 Mesothelioma Patients from Three High-Volume Institu-tions
​​​Prof.Dr. I. Inci​Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie (SGT), Bern​Sur​factant Improves Graft Function After Gastric Acid-Induced Lung Damage in Lung Transplantation

​PD Dr. ​W.JungraithmayrAward for the Best Oral Presentation (from 2200 submitted abstracts)  at the European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT) congress, Vienna, September 2013​​“​Natural killer cells improve allogeneic lung transplants via depletion of donor dendritic cells“
​PD Dr. ​W.Jungraithmayr​Award for the Best Experimental Presentation 2013 – Swiss Society of Thoracic Surgery​“​Natural killer cells improve allogeneic lung transplants via depletion of donor dendritic cells“
​PD Dr. ​W.Jungraithmayr​​Award for the Best Experimental Publication 2013 – Swiss Society of Thoracic Surgery​“​The depletion of donor macrophages reduces ischemiareperfusion
injury in mouse lung transplants“

​Dr. ​Thomas Wiedl​Beste experimentelle Publikation – Preis der Schweizierischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie​“Activity-based proteomics: Identification of ABHD11 and ESD activities as potential biomarkers for human lung adenocarcinoma“​
​Dr. Stephane Collaud​Beste klinische Publikation – Preis der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie​​“Significance of a new fluorodeoxyglucose-positive lesion on restaging positron emission tomography/computed tomography after induction therapy for non-small-cell lung cancer“

​C. Frei, I. Opitz, A. Soltermann, B. Fischer, U, Moura, H. Rehrauer, W. Weder, R. Stahel, E. Felley-Bosco​10th Day of Clinical Research, 9th June​Poster Prize
PD Dr. W. Jungraithmayr​European Society of Thoracic Surgeons. 19th European Conference in General Thoracic Surgery, Marseille, France, 5-8 June​ESTS-GRILLO AWARD
​PD ​Dr. W. Jungraithmayr​Schweizerische Gesellschaft für ThoraxchirurgieBest Publication in Thoracic Surgery in the year 2011
​PD Dr. W. Jungraithmayr, Dr. S. Arni, Dr. S. Korom, Prof. Dr. W. Weder98. Jahreskongress der SGC, Genf, 25.-27.MaiBest poster presentation ARS (Association for Research in Surgery)
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