Education/Fellowship at the Department of Nuclear Medicine

Since the introduction of the first world-wide clinical PET/CT in March 2001, we have accumulated significant know-how in hybrid imaging, which we make available to those MD’s interested. This occurs through hands-on courses and within the framework of a structured fellowship (mainly Nuclear Physicians and Diagnostic Radiologists).

Fellowship: the competence in PET/CT diagnostic imaging can only be acquired through daily routine and supervision by competent staff. Specific lectures supplement the daily practical work. Our fellowship program is designed to host fellows for at least 4 weeks to obtain the necessary routine and see an adequate number of cases. We take a maximum of 8 fellows also 2 x 2 consecutive weeks is possible as well as a 2 week training (in addition to the standard 4 weeks) and each of the fellows disposes of his own workstation to pace reading of the daily cases according to his own needs. Each day a formal lecture on a relevant subject of hybrid imaging is given. While we use GE equipment, the fellowship is completely generic.

Because of our international reputation we have hosted more than 200 fellows since the inception of the fellowship program in 2007. Fellows, who are using or want to start to use PET/CT. After the training, the fellows return to their place of origin, and our feedback has been overwhelmingly positive regarding their ability to use the acquired knowledge in their clinical setting.

As there is an increasing demand to also understand the clinical application of PET/MR, we slowly build in some discussions of this modality into our fellowship program, and also have conceived a one week hands-on hybrid PET course. It supplements and builds on knowledge of how to read PET/CT. There are lectures in the morning and Hands-on sessions on work stations in the afternoons.

Our fellowships

Special Arrangements

For special arrangements regarding training of:

  • PET/MR
  • PET radiopharmacy specialists and technicians

Please contact Prof. Gustav von Schulthess, director of postgraduate education at

For special arrangements regarding training of PET hybrid imaging technicians, please contact Simone Wijnands at

Applications for PET/MR special training must state

  • purpose of training
  • qualification (board certification(s), experience with PET/CT, experience with MR)
  • expected training goals

So that programs can be tailor-made. USZ Nuclear Medicine cannot guarantee such a special training program and applications have to be made at least 2 months in advance of the intended start of the program. Such special training usually is for one to two weeks maximum.

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