Postponed- Interdisciplinary Uro-Oncology Symposium Zurich 2022

Hot Topics in Uro-Oncology. Mit aktuellen Beiträgen zum Prostata-, Nieren- und Blasenkarzinom und der Mayor Lecture von Prof. Laurence Klotz, University of Toronto, Canada.


Careum Auditorium
8032 Zürich




9.45 - 16.30 Uhr

Symposium postponed

Following the instructions of the government and the University Hospital Zurich authorities regarding the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 we decided to postpone the Symposium in 2022. The next Interdisciplinary Uro-Oncology Symposium Zurich will be held January 27th, 2023.


9.00 UhrRegistration and coffee
9.30 UhrWelcome address
PD Dr. T. Hermanns, USZ Zürich, CH

Session I: Robotic Surgery

Moderation: PD Dr. T. Hermanns, USZ Zürich, CH

9.45 UhrImproving robotic minimally invasive surgery for urogenital malignancies
Prof. Dr. Henk van der Poel, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Session II: Upper tract urothelial cancer

Moderation: Prof. Anja Lorch

10.15 UhrCurrent surgical standards and the role of robotic surgery for the treatment of upper tract urothelial carcinoma
Dr. Rajesh Nair, London, UK
10.45 UhrThe role of perioperative systemic therapy in patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma
Prof. Dr. Alison Birtle, Lancs, UK

Georges Mayor Honorary Lecture

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Dr. D. Eberli

11.15 UhrPractice Changing Research in Uro-Oncology… Lessons learnt from 25 years as a Clinician Scientist
Prof. Dr. Laurence Klotz, Toronto, Canada
12.00 UhrLunch break

Session III: Genomic profiling for urogenital tumors

Moderation: Prof. M. Guckenberger

Discussion “Tumor genomic profiling for urogenital malignancies: Benefit or Non-sense?”

13.15 UhrPro
PD Dr. Aurelius Omlin, St.Gallen, Switzerland
13.30 UhrCon
Prof. Dr. Jörg Beyer, Bern, Switzerland
13.45 UhrModerated Discussion and Summary
14.15 UhrCoffee break

Session IV: Prostate cancer

Moderation: PD Dr. C. Poyet

Discussion “Routine Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer: Justified or Not?”

14.45 UhrPro
Prof. Dr. Jochen Walz, Marseille, France
15.15 UhrCon
Prof. Andrew Vickers, New York, USA
15.45 UhrClosing remarks
PD Dr. C. Poyet, USZ Zürich, CH


  • Jörg Beyer, Prof. Dr.
    Universitätsklinik für Medizinische Onkologie
    Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern
    Bern, CH
  • Alison Birtle, Prof. Dr.
    Rosemere Cancer Centre
    Lancs Teaching Hospitals
    Preston, UK
  • Laurence Klotz, Prof. Dr.
    Department of Surgery
    Division of Urology
    Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto
    Toronto, Canada
  • Aurelius Omlin, PD Dr.
    Klinik für Medizinische Onkologie und Hämatologie
    Kantonsspital St.Gallen
    St. Gallen, CH
  • Rajesh Nair, Dr.
    Department of Urology
    Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
    London, UK
  • Henk van der Poel, Prof. Dr.
    Department of Urology
    Netherlands Cancer Institute
    Amsterdam, NL
  • Andrew Vickers, Prof. Dr.
    Urology Service, Department of Surgery
    Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
    New York, NY, USA
  • Jochen Walz, Prof. Dr.
    Department of Oncologic Surgery
    Institute Paoli Calmettes
    Marseille, F
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